Group Room Rates:

The event rates below will be available to USCAA Annual Convention attendees from June 1 through June 6, for those who wish to extend their trip.  

Single: $169.00

Double: $169.00

Hotel room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 13.5%) in effect at the time of check-out.

Method of Reservation:

Reservations for the Event will be made by individual attendees directly by booking online at:

Cutoff Date:

Reservations by attendees must be received on or before 5:00 pm EST, Wednesday, May 12, 2024. At the Cutoff Date, the Hotel will review the reservations for Convention, release the unreserved rooms for general sale, and determine whether it can accept reservation based upon a space - and rate available basis at the United States Collegiate Athletics Association group rate after this date. 


For more information, please contact BJ Bertges at